

How many parrellel sides does an acute triangle have?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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None because no triangle has any parallel sides.

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Q: How many parrellel sides does an acute triangle have?
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None but all three sides are equal in length.

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How many equal sides does an acute triangle have?

None, two or three

How many pairs of parrellel lines does a triangle have?

There are absolutely 0 parallel lines in any given triangle.

How many acute sides does an acute triangle have?

First: Sides are not acute or obtuse. ANGLES are acute or obtuse. An acute triangle has to have all angles acute. Examples: 60, 60, 60 70, 60, 50 45, 50, 85 45, 45. 90 30, 60, 90 But if one of the angles is obtuse (>90 degrees), then the other two must be acute. Of course, *this* triangle would not be called an acute triangle, because one of its angles is abtuse; it would be called an obtuse triangle.

How many acute angles does an obtuse triangle have?

Every triangle must have at least 2 acute angles, otherwise it is impossible to make the 3 sides connect.

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In a regular nonagon no two sides are parallel.

How many acute angles are in an acute triangle?

In an acute triangle, all three angles are acute.

How many line of symmetry does an acute triangle has?

An acute scalene triangle has none. An acute isosceles triangle has one and an [acute] equilateral has three.

How many acute angles are in a acute triangle?

there are three acute angles in an acute triangle, because there are three corners.

How many acute angles are there in acute triangle?

There are three acute angles in an acute triangle and they add up to 180 degrees.

How many sides does an Isosceles Triangle have?

It has 3 sides because an acute obtuse and a scalene has 3 sides and they are all the same length no matter what the shape is so the ANSWER IS 3 SIDES3 SIDES