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It must have at least one.

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Q: How many planes of symmetry dose a triangular prism have?
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How many bases dose a triangular prism have?

Not sure that a triangular prism dose anything since a "dose" is a measured portion of a medicine. However, a triangular prism does have two bases.

How many edges dose a triangular prisam have?

A triangular prism has 9 edges, 5 faces and 6 vertices

How many more vertices dose a triangular prism have than a triangular pyramid?

2 more vertices

Is a triangular prism has more faces than a cube?

it dose have more faces

How many edges dose a triangular prism have?

A triangular prism has 9 edges and 5 faces. It also has 6 vertices. A cube has 6 faces and 12 edges.

Dose a triangular prism have 5 faces and 9 edges?

Yes :-) It is absolutely correct.

How many FacesverticesEdges Dose a Triangular prism have?

5 faces, 6 vertices, and 9 edges.

How many vertices does a triangular prism have?

Triangular Prisms don't have any vertical edges

How many vertices and faces does a triangular have?

"Dose" is a measured portion of a medicine. I am not aware of any triangulars that have measured quantities of medication! Besides, the question does not state whether the question refers to a triangular pyramid, a triangular prism, icosahedron (20 triangular faced), or other polyhedron.

How many more edges dose a cube have than a trianglar prisom?

Cube has 12 edges. Triangular prism has 9 edges. 12-9 = 3 Answer: 3 edges

How many faces dose a triangular based pyramid have?

a triangular based pyramid has 4 faces.

How many lines of symmetry dose a isosceles triangle have?

an isosceles has only 1 line of symmetry