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Any positive odd number.

For example for p = 17 positive factors, consider n^(p-1) for any integer n.

Since p is odd, p-1 is even and so n^(p-1) is a perfect square number.

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Q: How many positive factors square numbers have?
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How many square numbers are factors of 1600?

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Square numbers can't be prime. They have too many factors.

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None because square numbers have more than two factors

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Square numbers have too many factors to be prime.

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no,a negative number cannot have a square root .it is made only for positive numbers .but,yes,negative numbers can be squared.

How many square roots dose a positive number have?

The square root of positive number can be ether a matched set of positive or negative numbers. As an example the square root of 4 can be either (-2 x -2) or (+2 x +2)