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All prime numbers are divisible only by one and themselves.

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Q: How many prime no is divisible only by it self and 1 but not by any other number?
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How many primes less than 1000 are divisible by 7?

Just 7. Any other number divisible by 7 isn't prime.

Is 84 prime?

No, it is divisible by 2,4 and many other numbers.

Is 4500 prime?

4500 is not a prime number. In fact it has many numbers other than itself and 1 that divide into it. such as 450, 10, 50, 100, 25, 5, 2, etc-----------------------------------------------------------No even number can ever be a prime as it is divisible by 2.

Is there more prime numbers then composite numbers?

There are many, many more composite numbers than prime numbers. For example, beyond the number 3, every other number is composite, as it is divisible by 2. Following this, every number ending with a 5 other than 5 itself is composite, as it is divisible by 5, and every third odd number is divisble by 3. There are many complicated divisibility tests for numbers above 5.

How many positive prime numbers have a ones digit of 5?

Only one positive prime number has a 5 in the ones digit. That prime number is 5. All other numbers with a 5 in the ones digit are composite because they will be divisible by 5.

What number is greater than 1 and divisible only by itself and 1?

These numbers are called prime. There are many,many prime numbers, some of which are 13,23, and 7

What is divisible by 7?

7 is only divisible by itself and one because it is a prime number.

How many prime numbers between 0-100 are divisible by 7?

Just one, and that's the number 7 itself.

Is 7020 prime or composite?

7020 is a composite number. 7020 has many factors, rather than 1 and itself, so it's composite. Any number that is ONLY divisible by 1 and itself are PRIME.

How many prime numbers between 0 100 are divisible by 7?

prime numbers between 0 -100 which are divisible by 7: 7

What are prime numbers?

Prime numbers are numbers that are only divisible by 1 and the number itself. Some examples of prime numbers are:1,2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,27,29,31,37,41,etc.Prime numbers can go on forever; you just have to find out if its only factors are 1 and itself.Example:9 is not a Prime number because other than 1 and 9, it is also divisable by 3.13 is a prime number because its only factors to equal 13 are 1 and 13.Even numbers, with the exception of 0 and 2, cannot be prime numbers.I'm a different person:1 isn't a prime number although many people think it is. this is because a prime number is divisible by itself and 1 but in this case it is the same number so this time 1 isn't a prime number. The definition is that a prime number is a natural number (integers 1 and greater) that has exactly two unique factors: 1 and itself. The number 1 does not have two unique factors.

How many even primes are there between 1 and 100?

A prime number is a number with only two factors - itself and one. Since every even prime number greater than two is divisible by two, each of these even numbers has more than two factors. There is only one even number with just two factors - the number 2 is divisible by 2 and 1.