Multiplying a 4 and 15 will result in 60. You just have to convert both factors into decimals.
If the basis is 100 'points' for a one carat stone, and your number begins with a decimal, then the diamond has .0075 points -- less than one, which would read .0100 points.
41 in decimal is 0100 0001 in BCD (this is 8 bits not 6 bits)41 in decimal is 101001 in binary (this is 6 bits, but binary not BCD)There is no 6 bit BCD representation of the decimal number 41!
A 4 BCD code is a 4 decimal-digit BCD code, thus a 16 digit binary-code. You take the decimal number 3545. It's BCD code is 0011 0101 0100 0101 where every 4 bits represent a decimal digit.
0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101
DOC-555-0100 CAR-555-0100 CAR-555-0150 CAR-555-0168 CAR-555-0175 FLY-555-0100 WET-555-0100 GUN-555-0150 GUN-555-0100 Hope i was of help.
10 am is 10 hundred hours.
you mean the weather cheat, it's hot-555-0100 i believe. use gta4.net for the hot number if you don't know it.
No, BUT you can get a full health cheat by Getting ur cellphone in mission 5, Pressing the up button in the d-pad, up again in the d-pad, then punching in these numbers: 482-555-0100(HEALTH,ARMOR,WEAPONS,), 362-555-0100,
Here is a list of some Lost & Damned cheats:362-555-0100 - Armour482-555-0100 - Armour, Ammunition & Health267-555-0100 - Lower Wanted Stars267-555-0150 - Raise Wanted Stars486-555-0150 - Weaponry Package No.1486-555-0100 - Weaponry Package No. 2To Spawn:826-555-0150 - Burrito245-555-0125 - Double T245-555-0199 - Hakuchou245-555-0150 - Hexer245-555-0100 - Innovation826-555-0100 - Slamvan
Here are some Lost & Damned cheats:Lost and the Damned Cheats362-555-0100 - Armour482-555-0100 - Health, Armour & Ammo267-555-0100 - Lower Wanted Level267-555-0150 - Raise Wanted Level486-555-0150 - Weapon Package 1486-555-0100 - Weapon Package 2Lost and the Damned Cheats826-555-0150 - Spawn Burrito245-555-0125 - Spawn Double T245-555-0199 - Spawn Hakuchou245-555-0150 - Spawn Hexer245-555-0100 - Spawn Innovation826-555-0100 - Spawn Slamvan
Here is a list of some Lost & Damned cheats:362-555-0100 - Armour482-555-0100 - Armour, Ammunition & Health267-555-0100 - Lower Wanted Stars267-555-0150 - Raise Wanted Stars486-555-0150 - Weaponry Package No.1486-555-0100 - Weaponry Package No. 2
CHEAT FUNCTION - PHONE NUMBER Climate Change - HOT-555-0100 Full Armor & Health - 362-555-0100 Full Armor/Health/Ammo & Fix Damaged Car - 482-555-0100 Identify Songs on the Radio - 948-555-0100 Raise Wanted Level - 267-555-0150 Remove Wanted Level - 267-555-0100 Spawn Annihiliator Police Helicopter - 359-555-0100 Spawn Burrito - 2826-555-0150 Spawn Cognoscenti - 227-555-0142 Spawn Comet - 227-555-0175 Spawn Double T - 245-555-0125 Spawn FBI buffalo - 227-555-0100 Spawn Hakuchou - 245-555-0199 Spawn Hexer - 245-555-0150 Spawn Innovation - 245-555-0100 Spawn Jetmax - 938-555-0100 Spawn NRG-900 - 625-555-0100 Spawn Police Chopper - FLY-555-0100 Spawn Sanchez - 625-555-0150 Spawn Slamvan - 826-555-0100 Spawn Turismo - 227-555-0147 Spawn SuperGT - 227-555-0168 Weapon Package #1 - 486-555-0150 Weapon Package - 486-555-0100
GTA4 kind of followed Saints Row, you access the cheat screen by pressing up 2 times on your phone. Here are some cheats. DOC-555-0100 CAR-555-0100 CAR-555-0150 CAR-555-0168 CAR-555-0175 FLY-555-0100 WET-555-0100 GUN-555-0150 GUN-555-0100 Hope i was of help.