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Q: How many seconds are needed for a photon to travel 3200 miles?
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How many seconds are needed for a microwave photon to travel through 24 000 miles of space?

0.129 seconds. 24000/186000(c)=0.129

How many seconds are needed for a microwave photon to travel through 24000 miles of space to and from a television relay satellite?

Theoretically: 24000miles = 38624.26km = 38624260m as c (speed of light / speed of electromagnetic radiation / speed of a photon through free space / vacuum = 299792458m/s and t=d/s then t = 38624260/299792458 = 0.13s

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Takes her 60 seconds to do what? Travel 1 mile? Travel 10 miles?

How many miles does light travel in 0.1 seconds?

distance = speed x time. Multiply the speed of light (in miles/second in this case) by the time in seconds, to get the distance travel in miles.

How long will it take in seconds to travel 19 miles at 37 miles per hour?

Around about 1860 seconds

How far would you travel going 3 miles for 2 seconds?

If you you travel 3 miles, you would get 3 miles far.

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A jogger travels at a speed of 5 miles and seconds for a minute. How far would he or she travel in that time

How far does light travel in twenty seconds?

3,725,647.941 miles.

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514.28 seconds.

If you travel 2211 miles in 1 hour how many seconds would it take?

3600 seconds.

How many seconds does it take to travel 1.9 miles going 62 mph?

70.32 seconds.

At 60 miles per hour in 6 seconds how many feet will you travel?

Traveling at 60 miles per hour, you would cover 88 feet in 6 seconds.