All adamant armour like Adamant full helm, Adamant platebody, Adamant plateleg
what is an adamant orb is it the one that dialga has.if it is i can anser that you need surf waterful mt cornut
your mom adamant
The student was adamant that her answer was correct.
you get it in the back of the spear piller with the chip Pokemon diamond so you have to get diamond version dialga is the one to be held of the adamant orb.
The Man of Adamant was created in 1837.
5 * * * * * Not so. A decagon need not have any parallel sides. Or, it can have one, two, three, four or five pairs of parallel sides, one pair and one triplet of parallel sides, one pair one triplet and one quartet, and many many other combinations.
The protesters were adamant about their cause.
They were adamant about receiving an answer to their question, because their entire grade depended on it. :)
The old Republican is adamant about his/her opinions about taxes
Adamant Music School was created in 1942.
you take the Adamant orb and the lusturous orb to the end of mt.cornett