

How many significant digits are there in the value 10.00?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: How many significant digits are there in the value 10.00?
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How many significant digits does 100.0 have?

1000 has one significant digit (only the 1 is interesting; you don't know anything for sure about the hundreds, tens, or units places; the zeroes may just be placeholders; they may have rounded something off to get this value)Answer 2:There is no way to know how many significant digits are in 1000. If you are forced to choose then there is 1 significant digit but, again, there is really no way to tell. If the count of significant digits is important, the number should be expressed in scientific notation.

How many significant figures does the number 1000.00 contain?

1000.00 has four significant digits. Basically the total amount of significant digits will be the amount of numbers it needs to retain the same value. I.e. 126.26 has 5 significant digits, because you need all 5 to make the same value. 120.00 has three significant digits, because .00 if removed would not change the value of the number.

How many significant digits are there in the value 100?

Just 1 The two zeros are placeholders- placeholders are not significant

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To find how many significant digits are being displayed, you look down the place values until finding the first non-zero value. In this case, the first non-zero value is the 1 in the hundredths place. The next step is simply to count every value after that to see how many significant digits the number has been taken to. In this case there are 3.

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4 significant digits.

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Five. All nonzero digits are significant and zeros in between significant digits are significant.