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Q: How many solutions does an equation have if the variable adds out and the final sentence is true?
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When do you declare a variable method and a class final?

When There is No Need to Change the Values of the Variables In Entire lifetime of That variables then we must use that Variable as Final Variable.

What is the theme of Mahesh Dattani's Final Solutions?

The theme of Mahesh Dattani's Final Solutions is cultural hegemony. Final Solutions analyzes how certain groups had to suffer at the hands of other majority groups.

What is mean final class and final variable?

A final variable cannot have its value changed. It is used to define a constant. Assigning a value to a final variable after it is declared will cause a compiler error. A final class cannot be sub-classed. It is used to prevent rogue programmers from sub-classing your classes and changing their behavior. Trying to extend a final class will cause a compiler error.

What are final variable?

Declaring a variable with the final keyword makes it impossible to reassign a different value to that variable once it has been initialized with an explicit value (notice we said explicit rather than default). For primitives, this means that once the variable is assigned a value, the value can't be altered. For example, if you assign 10 to the int variable x, then x is going to stay 10, forever. That's pretty straightforward for primitives, but what does it mean to have a final object reference variable? A reference variable marked final can't ever be reassigned to refer to a different object. The data within the object can be modified, but the reference variable cannot be changed. In other words, if you have a final employee object variable, you can modify aspects of the employee but you cannot have the variable refer to say a manager.

What are the difference between private variable and final variable?

A private variable is one that is accessible only to the current class and cannot be accessed by any other class, including the ones that extend from it. A final variable is one that cannot be modified once it is initialized and assigned a value.

What solutions did the Nazis have for killing people before the final solution?

Most of the solutions before the Final Solution were not killing. The Jewish question was what to do with the Jews, they had tried to get them to emigrate, they had tried to deport them, to slowly starve them, there were more suggested solutions, like sterilization, but the Final Solution was to outright murder them.

What was the final solutions origin?

project T-4

Need a sentence for final?

Yes, that was my final answer.

What is a sentence using final?

This is our final task.

What happens if a final keyword is applied to identifier?

The final keyword indicates that a variable (identifier) can not change his value. In case the variable refers to a reference variable (an object) the values of variables inside (the object) can change but the reference can be reassigned (to another object).