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Area of the circle: pi*20*20 = 400*pi square cm

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Q: How many square cm is a circle of 40 cm diameter?
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What is the circumference of a circle if the diameter is 40 inches?

The circumference of a circle, if the diameter is 40 inches, is about 125.7 inches. (C = d x Pi).

What is the circumference of a circle circumscribed about a square with a perimeter of 40?

Assuming you mean that the circle is touching all 4 corners of the square: If the perimeter of the square is 40, then each side of the square is 10 (40/4=10). You could find the diameter of the circle by breaking the square up into 2 triangles, drawing a diagonal line through the square. Using pythagorean's theory (a^2+b^2=c^2), we know legs 2 and b (they are each one side of the square, so: (10^2+10^2=c^2). 10^2 is 100, therefore it is (100+100=c^2). (200=c^2) (√200=c) and the √ of 200 is about 14.142, meaning that the diameter of the circle is √200, which is the same as 10√2, (or approximately 14.142). You multiply the diameter of a circle by pi to get the circumference of a circle. Therefore, the exact answer is (10√2)(π), which would be approximated at 44.42882938158366247015880990 units, where π is pi.

How many square miles in a 40 mile radius?

The formula for the area of a circle is: 3.14 (pi) times the radius squared. A circle with a 40 mile radius would have an area of 3.14 x 40 x 40 = 5024 square miles.

What is the circumference of a circle with a diameter 40 FEET?

Circumference= PI x Diameter = 3.14 x 40 feet = 125.6 feet

How do you find the diamter of a circle if you know the area?

In order to find the diameter of a circle if you have the area is to rearrange the formula for the area of a circle to put diameter as the unknown, like so: PIE*d = Area of a Circle d = (Area of a Circle) / PIE Therefore if the area of your circle is 40cm, 40/PIE = 12.73cm and that's the diameter.