Japan - 145,925 total area, of which 144,757.6 square miles is land.
Japan - (145,925 sq miles) (377,944 sq km)
Japan is significantly larger than Vancouver Island. Japan has a total area of approximately 377,975 square kilometers, while Vancouver Island has a total area of around 32,134 square kilometers.
The total area of Korea is approximately 100,210 square kilometers.
The total area of New York City is 468.9 square miles (1214.4 square kilometers). Of that, 304.8 square miles (789.4 square kilometers) is land, and 165.6 square miles (428.8 square kilometers) is water.
A total of 32.7 square miles [84.8 square kilometers] is the land area of the city of Lisbon [Lisboa]. The Lisbon Metropolitan Area has a total area of 1,141.9 square miles [2,957.4 square kilometers]. Lisbon is Portugal's capital and largest city.
Japan is a group of 6852 islands located in the western Pacific Ocean. The total land area is 377,944 square kilometers or 145,925 square miles.
378,000 square kilometers Source: http://www.worldwide-tax.com/japan/jappopulation.asp
Illinois has a total area of around 57,914 square miles, which is approximately 149,997 square kilometers.
Spain's total area is 504,030 km2 OR 195,364 square miles.
Yes, Japan has a total area of 145,925 square miles and Alaska has a total area of 663,268 square miles.
The total area of Portugal is 92,345 square kilometers[35,655 square miles]. This includes the two autonomous regions of the Azores [2,247 square kilometers; 868 square miles] and Madeira Islands [794 square kilometers; 307 square miles]. This total area places it in comparable size between Indiana and Maine. Indiana has 94,327 square kilometers [36,420 square miles]. Maine has 91,652 square kilometers [35,387 square miles].
Portugal has a total area of 35,655 square miles [92,345 square kilometers]. This includes the two autonomous regions of the Azores [868 square miles; 2,247 square kilometers] and Madeira Islands [307 square miles; 794 square kilometers]. This total area places it in comparable size between Indiana and Maine. Indiana has 36,420 square miles [94,327 square kilometers]. Maine has 35,387 square miles [91,652 square kilometers].