Japan - (145,925 sq miles) (377,944 sq km)
The total area of Japan, to the nearest square mile, is 145,925 square miles, making it the sixty-first largest country in the world.
Hokkaido, the northernmost island of Japan, has a total area of approximately 83,453 square kilometers.
No. Australia contains over 7,868,850 square kilometers compared to Japan's 377,835 square kilometers.
11,903 square kilometers
Japan is significantly larger than Vancouver Island. Japan has a total area of approximately 377,975 square kilometers, while Vancouver Island has a total area of around 32,134 square kilometers.
Japan is 377,835 km2
Japan, at 146,000 square miles is slightly smaller than the state of California (164,000 square miles).
Japan's area is 146,000 square miles (378,000 square kilometers).
Albania is around 28,748 square kilometers in size.
The Sea of Japan is 977,980 km²
Antigua is 281 square kilometers. Barbuda is 161 square kilometers. The size of Antigua and Barbuda combined is 442 square kilometers.
Oh, dude, Japan is like way smaller than Alberta. Japan is like this tiny island nation in Asia, while Alberta is like this massive province in Canada. It's like comparing a sushi roll to a giant steak - totally different sizes, man.
It is 11,295 square kilometres or 4,007 square miles.