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Q: How many state police working during 8 hour shift?
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Who was the secret police of Germany during world war2?

The Gestapo (State Police) .

Was Jeremy shum working for sapol or by the Australian federal police undercover?

before moving into tv, he was working for Australian FEDERAL police. these two differ. AFP is federal, and SAPOL (south Australian police) is state jurisdiction. he worked in the federal department as a detective before working as aproducer on channel 10

What state split shift would be better to follow if employees are all over the states?

If employers have employees working all over the states doing split shifts, what state split shift law should Employers follow?

Do you have to go to police academy for four years before you become a police?

you must attend an academy to get certified in the state you are working in. most academies are 4 - 8 months long

Who declared himself President for Life during which time Haiti became a police state?


If arrested are you entitled to police report?

Not directly from the police. The state's attorney or district attorney will provide one in court during a process called discovery.

Can state police investigate a state case?

Yes,a state police can investigate a state case.

When was Pennsylvania State Police created?

Maryland State Police was created in 1921.

Can you become a police officer with police traffic certificate?

to be a police officer you need to attend a state approved police academy and be state certified in the state you live in.

Who makes the decisions in police state?

In a police state, the government would control the actions of police.

How does red-shift support the steady state theory?

Red shift does not support the steady state theory.

Can Department of Defense police carry a firearm off duty?

Normally DoD police are limited to wherever they are on duty, such as the base they are working on. However, DoD police officers may also be deputized by local police agencies or possess state-issued permits and carry under that authority.