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Q: How many statistics and probability questions are on the math section of the EXPLORE test?
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The answered questions will automatically be removed from my question section.

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See the Basic Rules for Probability section in the related link.

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In the "browse unanswered questions" section or type in the category that you want to answer questions about in the Answer section on the top under Ask. Thanks!

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The public library in the "statistics" section. They should have plenty of books to study statistics and probabilities.

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A student takes a 5 question quiz with 4 choices for each question if the student guesses at random on each question what is the probability that the student gets exactly 4 questions correct?

This is abinomial distribution; number of trials (n) is 5, probability of success (p) is 1/4 or 0.25. With this information you can go to a Binomial Distribution Table and find the solution. Within the section of values for n=5 and p=.25, read from the section the probability of 4 which is 0.0146 (see related link for table).