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Q: How many swedish fish fit in a 1 gallon jar?
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You can fit a 5 gallon fish tank on a school going desk.

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The basic rule of thumb is "not more than an inch of fish to a gallon of water."

How many fishes fit in a 10 gallon aquarium?

The rule of thumb is usually 1 inch of fish per gallon. You could have 1 10 inch fish or 10 1 inch fish

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This is simply funny if it really means a fish tank.About 1025.5 for a standard 100 gallon fish tank if the beers are 12 fl oz.Remember fish tank gallon sizes are measured by outside dimensions.

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How many ml fit in a gallon?

3785.41mL fit in one US gallon.

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The fish bowl must be at least 1 gallon. You can fit 3-5 tetras in there. However, if you put them in a fish tank with a filter, they will live longer and will be healthier.

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19 baseballs fit in a five gallon bucket