Math has one syllable as there is only one vowel.
There are 4 syllables. Math-e-mat-ics.
1 Syllable
There are two syllables in the word "Matthew" (Matthew has three letters, but two syllables: Mat-thew).
ma th
There is not a formula for music.
5. Math-e-mat-i-cal. Some people drop the second syllable in colloquial speech, causing it to sound like "math-mat-i-cal."
A formula does not normally have a mean!
A polyhedron is a math formula and information about it can be found in a math textbook or on Math Is Fun, Euler's Polyhedron Formula, Math Munch and Open Study.
you use the quadratic formula in math when the quadratic equation you are solving cannot be factored.
The formula is: Number of sides = 6.