About 137 tiles, if they are 1ft X 1ft dimension, or about 137 square feet of tile. If you are using smaller tile, calculate how many tile are needed per square foot and multiply that times 137.
That would depend on the size of the tiles.
123 tiles
You would need a total of 36 tiles to cover that area.
210 tiles
Take the are of the room and divide it by 6 and there's your answer.If the room is 8 square feet you would need 32 tiles.If the room is 8 by 8 feet you would need 256 tiles.
360 tiles.
I assume you mean an 8ft x 6ft room, which is 48ft2. I assume you mean 12in x 12in tiles, which are 1ft2 tiles. I don't know how many tiles are in a box, but you would need 48 12in x 12in tiles.
You would need 56 tiles to do the floor
You would need 216 tiles if you left no space between them for grout.
6.75 Tiles
If the carpet tiles you are using are the standard 12" square, then multiple your length and width to get the square footage. In this case your room would need a minimum of 196 tiles. CHeck the box for pattern repeat and remember to add tiles for damage and waste.
If the floor tiles are measured in inches and the room is measured in feet then the tiles are 1sq feet and the room is 6x8 = 48 sq feet so you would need 48 tiles.