There are 4 thousands in 84983. There are 84 thousands in 84,983 (Eighty four thousand nine hundred and eighty three.)
Six hundred eighty thousand 10. Some may insist on six hundred eighty thousand and ten; many hold that the word 'and' is redundant. both ways are correct.
2.25 miles
8 thousand miles.
There is an approximate three thousand two hundred eighty three miles, or five thousand two hundred eighty three kilometers. 3,283 mi OR 5,283 km..
24'280'400 or 8 digits.
Two hundred and eighty times
A thousand.
Very simply imagined by asking how many times a hundred will go into a thousand. If you find that the answer is ten then you can say that one hundred is ten times less than one thousand. (1000÷100=10)
To find out how many times twelve goes into two hundred and eighty, divide 280 by 12: 280 ÷ 12 = 23.33 280÷12=23.33 So, twelve goes into two hundred and eighty 23 times with a remainder (or partial value) of 0.33.
One hundred times greater.
Ten times one hundred is one thousand.