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Q: How many times per minute does peristaltic contractions occur?
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Related questions

What powerful peristaltic contractions that occur a few times each day in the colon are called?

e) mass movement

How may times peristaltic movement occurs in one minute?

that is an individual occurence, depending on how hard you squeeze.

Term for the number of times you heart contracts in one minute?

Contractions,or beats .

Are destructive waves more frequent than constructive waves?

Yupp, they occur between 10-15 per minute where as constructive occur about 7 times per minute.

Is Hardening or tightening of stomach during pregnancy normal?

Yes. Those are braxton hicks contractions. very normal. These practice contractions occur at various times during pregnancy, but can increase in intensity during your last month. They happen at random and are typically not painful. They do not dilate the cervix as real contractions do.

How many earthquakes occur in one minute?

The answer depends on the magnitude of the earthquake. Over the last 20 years there have been approx 4 million earthquakes annually which is equivalent to an average of 8 every minute. Earthquakes of magnitude 7 or greater occur, on average, 0.00003 times a minute.

How many times per minute does the exchange of carbon dioxide for oxygen in the body normally occur?

12 to 20

How many times does a shark's heart beat in one minute?

9 times per minute

What are the 2 times you use an apostrophe?

In contractions and to show possession

If you blink 11 times in a minute then how many times will you blink in an hour?

We blink 25 times in a minute.

How many times a minute does a dog blink?

2 to 10 times per minute!

How many times does a blue whale's heart beat in a minute?

A blue whales heart beats 9 times per minute.