Well, let's see here, friend. To figure this out, we can simply divide 100 by 16.6. When we do that, we find that 16.6 goes into 100 approximately 6 times. Remember, there's no mistakes in math, just happy little accidents.
71 times with a remainder of 1
Thirteen times with a remainder.
5 times, remainder 6
Exactly 5 times with no remainder
how many times can 72 go into 204
34 does not wholly go into 226. If you exclude remainders, it will go in 226 six times.
72 times.
18 will go into 100: 5 times with a remainder of 10.
To find out how many times 72 can go into 612, you would divide 612 by 72. The result is 8.5, which means that 72 can go into 612 8 times with a remainder of 36. Therefore, 72 can go into 612 exactly 8 times.
The number of times 20 goes into 42 can be calculated by dividing 42 by 20. The quotient of this division is 2, with a remainder of 2. Therefore, 20 goes into 42 two times, with a remainder of 2.