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Q: How many triangles fit in a tridecagon?
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What is the number of triangle in the tridecagon?

By tridecagon, I suppose you are referring to a 13 sided shape. In any shape, you could draw however many triangles you wanted to. If you are after triangles formed by a line from the corners of the shape to the centre, a tridecagon (after the first few shapes, mathematicians usually just use the term n-gon so your 13 sided shape would be called a 13-gon), would contain 13 triangles formed in this way.

How many angles does a tridecagon have?

A tridecagon has 13 angles

How many triangles fit inside a hexagon?

6 Triangles!!

How many triangles does a triskaidecagon have?

In geometry, a triskaidecagon has 13 sides and 13 angles. A triskaidecagon is also called a tridecagon. A tridecagram is a 13-sided star polygon.

How many triangles can you fit in a 12 sided shape?

1o triangles

How many triangles can you fit in a regular polygon?

The number of triangles that we can fit in a regular polygon with n sides is n - 2.

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How many triangles can fit in an square?

It depends on the size of the square and the sizes and shapes of the triangles.

How many triangles in a 50 sided shape?

By looking at other polygons with less sides, we can see how many triangles they can fit. In a 4-sided polygon (square), you can fit 2 triangles. In a 5-sided polygon (pentagon), you can fit 3 triangles. In a 6-sided polygon (hexagon), you can fit 4 triangles. In an 8-sided polygon (octagon), you can fit 6 triangles. The pattern here is the number of triangles is equal to the number of sides minus 2. T = N - 2 So... 50 - 2 = 48. 48 triangles can fit into a 50-sided polygon.