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Q: How many triangles fit inside of the fat rhombus?
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Is a square like a rhombus?

Yes because if you turn the square a certon way it looks like a big fat rhombus!

What is inside a camel's hump?

water ----------- Contrary to legend it is not water but fat.

Does lip lishuss cherry lip balm have animal fat inside?

yes it has a animal fat inside it

Does salt have fat?

Salt (sodium chloride) has no fat inside.

Does a square equal to a skinny rhombi?

No. If anything, a square is a fat rhombus. A square has the greatest width of all the rhombi that is can be deformed into.

What is armpit fat?

Armpit fat is the fat that you have when you are in a tank top it's towards the inside of your arm

What can happen if you eat to many hot cheetos?

your inside emplode. true fact. go to for more info

Do beagles get fat if they are inside dogs?

Any dog will get fat if the owners don't exercise it.

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Can you be fat and fit?

yes you can be fat and fit because some fat girls are meant to be fat they would look weird skinny its all about whats on the inside of you

What contain inside hambur ger?

mostly fat...

What are the release dates for Inside Brookhaven Obesity Clinic - 2007 Fat Families?

Inside Brookhaven Obesity Clinic - 2007 Fat Families was released on: USA: 2007