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For a square with side S. There will be the 4 small triangles each with sides {S/sqrt(2),S/sqrt(2),S}. Then also you can 'see' 4 larger triangles, each with sides {S,S,S*sqrt(2)}

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Q: How many triangles will the diagonals make inside the square?
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A square has diagonals that are?

the squares diagonal are all congruent to each other, and the diagonals make 4 isoceles triangles.

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How do diagonals of quadrilaterals make a triangle?

They make four triangles, not a triangle.

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Do the diagonals of a trapezoid bisect each other?

No, never. A trapezoid may have diagonals of equal length (isosceles trapezoid), but they do not intersect at their midpoints.Draw the diagonals of a trapezoid, for example, an isosceles trapezoid, thereby creating 4 triangles inside the trapezoid. Now assume the diagonals do bisect each other. The congruent corresponding sides of the top and bottom triangles with the included vertical angle would make the triangles congruent by the side-angle-side theorem. But this is a contradiction since the respective bases of the triangles, forming the top and bottom of the trapezoid are, of course, not equal. Therefore, the triangles cannot be congruent. Hence, we have given proof by contradiction that diagonals in a trapezoid cannot bisect each other.

What is the main reason a squares diagonals bisect each other?

The opposite sides of a square are parallel and of equal length. Therefore the opposite triangles that the diagonals make are congruent and, as a result, they bisect on another. This is also the reason that they do so in all parallelograms.

How do you use geometry words to describe how diagonals of quadrilaterals make triangles in a good fourth grade understandable way in a sentence?

When you draw the diagonals of a quadrilateral (a four-sided shape), they create triangles within the quadrilateral. These triangles are formed by connecting non-adjacent vertices of the quadrilateral. By understanding that the diagonals split the quadrilateral into smaller triangles, students can see how geometric shapes can be broken down and analyzed.

Is a diamond a rigid shape?

A diamond is not a rigid shape unless it has a brace. A brace is a diagonal line you put inside shapes to make them rigid. Triangles are rigid so if you put a brace in a square to make two triangles the square is now rigid.

Can any two triangles put together make a square or a rectangle?

can two triangles put together make a square

How do you make a critter out of three triangles a square and a trapezoid?

put the triangles upside own under neathe the square the make the trapezoid the head the last triangles the ears

How do you put a square and 2 triangles together to make a square?

A square already has 2 right angle triangles within it

What 3 dimenional shape can you make using 4 triangles and 1 square?

you can make a square based pyramid using 4 triangles and a 1 square