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Rational numbers are all whole numbers over 0. It basically means that if you want to say how much cats you have, you use rational numbers. You don't have -8 cats, you don't have 0 cats and hopefully you don't have 3.5 cats. You have 4 cats. There are infinite rational numbers.

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How many rational numbers are there?

There are infinitely many rational numbers.

How many rational numbers are there between two consecutive rational numbers?

There are no consecutive rational numbers. Between any two rational numbers there are an infinity of rational numbers.

Is the set of rational numbers finite?

No; there are infinitely many rational numbers.

Define density property for rational numbers?

There are infinitely many rational numbers between any two rational rational numbers (no matter how close).

How many rational numbers are there between 0 and 5?

Infinitely many. Between any two different real numbers (not necessarily rational) there are infinitely many rational numbers, and infinitely many irrational numbers.

How many rational numbers are between 1 and 101?

Infinitely many. In fact, between any two different real numbers, there are infinitely many rational numbers, and infinitely many irrational numbers. (More precisely, beth-zero rational numbers, and beth-one irrational numbers - that is, there are more irrational numbers than rational numbers in any such interval.)

What are the rational numbers between 1 and 10?

Rational numbers are infinitely dense and that means that there are infiitely many rational numbers between any two numbers.

What are the numbers between two rational number?

There are infinitely many rational numbers between any two rational numbers. And the cardinality of irrational numbers between any two rational numbers is even greater.

What is the number of rational numbers between square root 3 and square root 5?

Infinitely many. In fact, there are more irrational numbers between them than there are rational numbers.Infinitely many. In fact, there are more irrational numbers between them than there are rational numbers.Infinitely many. In fact, there are more irrational numbers between them than there are rational numbers.Infinitely many. In fact, there are more irrational numbers between them than there are rational numbers.

Are mixed numbers a rational number?

A mixed number is a rational number. Mixed numbers are not a rational number but many of them.

How many rational numbers are there between a and b?

There are countably infinite rational numbers between any two numbers.

What are the rational numbers between 4.43 and 4.44?

There are infinitely many rational numbers between any two rational numbers - no matter how close together they are.