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Infinitely many. In fact, there are more Irrational Numbers between them than there are rational numbers.

Infinitely many. In fact, there are more irrational numbers between them than there are rational numbers.

Infinitely many. In fact, there are more irrational numbers between them than there are rational numbers.

Infinitely many. In fact, there are more irrational numbers between them than there are rational numbers.

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11y ago

Infinitely many. In fact, there are more irrational numbers between them than there are rational numbers.

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There are an infinite number of rational numbers between these two numbers, but the only positive integer between these numbers is 6.

Does there exist an irrational number such that its square root is rational?

No, and I can prove it: -- The product of two rational numbers is always a rational number. -- If the two numbers happen to be the same number, then it's the square root of their product. -- Remember ... the product of two rational numbers is always a rational number. -- So the square of a rational number is always a rational number. -- So the square root of an irrational number can't be a rational number (because its square would be rational etc.).

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The square roots lie between -3.6 and +3.6It is possible to narrow this interval down by increasing the number of decimal places in the rational numbers.

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Every integer is a rational number, and some integers are perfect squares. These are the only rational numbers to have an integral square root.

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Yes. The square root of 81 is 9 - a natural number and all natural numbers are rational numbers.

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There are no rational numbers between sqrt(-26) and sqrt(-15). The interval comprises purely imaginary numbers.

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A rational number is one that is the ratio of two integers, like 3/4 or 355/113. An irrational number can't be expressed as the ratio of any two integers, and examples are the square root of 2, and pi. Between any two rational numbers there is an irrational number, and between any two irrational numbers there is a rational number.

Is the square root of a fraction a rational number?

Only if the square root of the numerator and the square root of the denominator are both rational numbers.

Is the square root of 170 a rational number?

No. The only square roots of integers that are rational numbers only when the integer is a perfect square.

What is the value of 'n' for which under root 'n' be a rational number is?

n must be the square of a rational number. That is, n must be either a square number or the ratio of two square numbers. For example, n = 16 then sqrt(n) = 4 Or n = 81/169 then sqrt(n) = 9/13

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All numbers can make a square. Every real number makes a positive real square. Every rational number makes a rational square. Every integer makes a perfect square.