

How many var for 1 bhigha?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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Q: How many var for 1 bhigha?
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How many feet in var?

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That depends.This is an exampleIF var=1 then beginfor var=1 to 5 dowriteln(var);end {of then}else writeln(var);

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Dont know pyramid but I have code for writting a Triangle- For i=1 to 5 For j=1 to i var= var& " *" Next var=var & vbnewline Next Msgbox var

What day is it today or what day is today?

<script> var day; day = new Date(); var milli = day.getTime(); // returns milliseconds that have elapsed since 1/1/70 var year = day.getFullYear(); // returns the Year var month = day.getMonth(); // returns the month (0-11 January = 0) var dayofmonth = day.getDate(); // returns the day of the month var day2 = day.getDay(); // returns the integer day of the week (Sunday = 0) var hour = day.getHours(); // returns the integer hour (0 -> 23) var minute = day.getMinutes(); // returns the Minute (0 - > 59) var second = day.getSeconds(); // returns the Second (0 -> 59) You can write out the date or time using document.write() document.write("The date is " + (month + 1) + "/" + dayofmonth + "/" + year); </script>