One Hectare has precisely 15.4375Bighas
There are about 3 bigha in an acre. This number will vary depending on the region that you are in.
It varies by region, but generally there are around 20-30 bigha in one killa.
1 guntas = 1089 sq. ft. 1 bigha = 14400 sq. ft. so 1guntas = 0.075626 bigha
1008.33 Sq Yd in one bigha in Punjab
In Uttar Pradesh, there are 5.3306 bigha in one hectare. This conversion rate may vary in other regions of India.
4 kanals in 1 bigha...
14400 sqire ft
A bigha is not a standard measure: it varies from region to region. It is probably 27220 square feet.
2468 m2 = 1 bigha
1 bigha = 1 600 square yards; but the answer is not valid for all countries. See also the link below.