

How many virtices in a cube?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Q: How many virtices in a cube?
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How many faces edges and virtices does a cube have?

A cube has: 6 faces 12 edges 8 vertices

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How many virtices does a cuboid have?

8 vertices.

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A kite has four vertices.

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A dodecahedron is a polyhedron with between 8 and 20 vertices.

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6 faces 8 vertices

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A rectangle has 4 right angles and 4 vertices.

What solid figure has seven virtices?

A hexagonal pyramid

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8 edges, 5 faces and 5 vertices.

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A triangular prism has six verticies.

How many faces virtices and edges do rectangular prisms have?

6 faces, 8 vertices, and 8 edges(edges and vertices are the same).

How many virtices does a square have?

8 vertices, 6 faces, 12 edges. Good luck on your math test kids!! :) <3 **