There are 7 days in one week. Therefore, 22 days is equal to 22/7 = 3 remainder 1 or 3 weeks 1 day.
There are 3,388 weeks in 154 days
There are 22 weeks in 154 days
22 weeks and 5 days in a normal year and 22 weeks and 6 days in a leap year.
22 weeks and 1 day.
3 weeks + 1 day
it is 2709 days
To convert 7 years and 22 weeks to days, first calculate the total days in 7 years (365 days/year * 7 years) and the total days in 22 weeks (7 days/week * 22 weeks). Then add these two totals together to get the final result, which is the total number of days in 7 years and 22 weeks.
There are 2,709 days in 7 years and 22 weeks Show Your Work 1 year = 365 days 365 x 7 = 2,555 22 weeks = 154 days 2,555 + 154 = 2,709 days
22 weeks because 154 ÷ 7 = 22 ( you divide it by 7 because there is 7 days in a week )
260 weeks and 6 days.
There are 7 days in one week. Therefore, 22 days is equal to 22/7 = 3 remainder 1 or 3 weeks 1 day.
154 = 22 x 7 = 14 + 140