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Q: How many words can you type in a minute if you type 240 words in minutes?
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How many words are if you type 210 words in 5 minutes?

That works out to 42 words per minute.

How many words can a typist type in 12 minutes if she types at a rate of 70 words per minute?

it's a math problem, i think. 12 minutes * 70 words/minute = 840 words

Sandy can type 75 words per minute How many words can she type in one half hour?

75 * 5 = 2250 words in 30 minutes.

Who is the fastest typist ever recorded and many words per minute did she type?

Barbara Blackburn is the fastest typist on record, at 150 words per minute for 50 minutes.

In 7 minutes p Pablo can type 49 words. what is his rate in words per minute?

The rate is 7 words per minute

If someone types 50 words per minute how many hours will it take them to type 5000 words?

5000 word at 50 word per minute will take 5000/50 = 100 minutes or 1 hour 40 minutes.

Who is the fastest typist ever recorded and how many per minute did she type?

Barbara Blackburn is the fastest typist on record, at 150 words per minute for 50 minutes.

Marcus can type 255 words in 15 minutes. How many words can he type in 60 minutes?

I can type 1020 words in 60 minutes.

How many words per minute can Barbara Blackburn type?

150 words per minute

How many words per minute can the fastest person type?

1,500 words per minute.

Cathy can text message about 54 words per minute. If she types at this rate for 30 minutes, about how many words will she typea. 1500Selected:b. 1620This answer is correct.c. 2700d. 5400?

Cathy can text message about 54 words per minute. If she types at this rate for 30 minutes, about how many words will she type? a. 1500 Selected:b. 1620This answer is correct. c. 2700 d. 5400

Who is the fastest typist ever recorded and how words per minute did she type?

Barbara Blackburn is the fastest typist on record, at 150 words per minute for 50 minutes.