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Q: How many yards of gravel does it take to cover area 70'x21'x1?
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How much area does 2 yards of gravel cover?

It would depend on how thick you want to spread it.

How much gravel to cover 15000 square feet 10 inches deep?

You will need about 463 cubic yards (around 594 tons) of gravel for this area.

How much gravel do you need to cover a 10 x 70 area 5 inches deep with gravel?

You would need about 13 cu yards or about 15 tons.

How do you convert cubic yards of gravel to square yards of gravel?

You cannot make a direct conversion. You need to specify how deep you want the gravel to be in your area that needs covering.

How big of an area will 20 tons of gravel cover?

At 12" depth, 20 tons of gravel will cover 360 sq ft.

350' by 4 wide by 2 deep How much gravel to cover this area?

2800 feet of gravel

How much gravel do you need to cover 252 sq ft?

The amount of gravel needed to cover 252 square feet depends on how thick (that is, deep) you want the gravel. If you want the gravel to be 3 inches thick... Convert the measurement to the same units. We'll use feet. 3 inches = 1/4 foot Multiply the thickness times the area to get volume in cubic measure. 1/4 feet x 252 feet = 63 cubic feet Gravel in the US is usually sold by the cubic yard, which is 27 cubic feet Thus, 63/27 = 2 1/3 cubic yards 2 1/3 cubic yards of gravel will cover 252 square feet of area to a dept of 3 inches.

How much area will a 50 pound bag of gravel cover?

a 50 pound bag of gravel will cover approximately 2 to 3 square feet of area to a thickness of 3 to 4 inches.

How much gravel you need to cover an area that is 10.000 sq ft?

The answer depends on the depth to which the area is covered and, to some extent, that will depend on the size of the gravel.

528 feet long 10 feet wide 4inches thick how much gravel?

You will need about 65.185 cubic yards (83.6 tons) of gravel for this area.

How many yards of pea gravel will I need to fill an area of 7'-6X14'-0X14 deep?


How many sq ft will 7 yards of gravel cover?

That depends on the depth of gravel. I am going to assume 3 inches of gravel. One 'yard' really means a cubic yard in this context, which is volume. V = Area of base x depth 7 = (A/9)(3/36) ---- A = 7(12)(9) = 756 sq ft