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Q: How may egg mcmuffins are sold a year?
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How much was an egg in Medieval Times?

The price of the egg depended largely on the size, quality, symmetry, and type of egg. A Swedish ostrich egg could often be sold for as much as Kr 12, but if the egg contained a minor defect, it may be sold for as little as Kr 3. Chicken eggs were not sold in medieval times as the invention of the chicken only came about in 1736 when Louis Trebeval of Paris, produced the world's first chicken. 5 years later he developed the rooster, and the chicken population has been growing ever since.

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Approximately 150,000 powered wheelchairs are sold in the United States each year. This number may vary depending on demand and market trends.

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The exact number of pogo sticks sold annually can vary, but it is estimated that tens of thousands are sold each year worldwide. The popularity of pogo sticks may fluctuate based on trends and marketing efforts.

What age does a chicken cease to lay eggs?

Often in and around the third year, chickens slow egg production to almost nothing. The occasional egg may be offered by the older four year old hen but they are rare.

How may guns are sold in America every year?

400, 000 never get a gun, you will shoot your eye out!

What is the most expensive egg ever?

At the time of this answer, it would be the Rothschild Egg, which is a Faberge decorative egg, and also a clock. If one of the missing Faberge eggs ever were to show itself, I believe that egg would surpass the Rothschild in value. The Rothschild Egg sold for £8.9 million at auction in November of 2007. That being said, keep in mind that beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder. A decorative egg may only be worth 1 million, but someone may pay upwards of 8 million or more if the egg itself had significant or sentimental value to them.

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It is difficult to provide an exact number as sales data may vary year to year. However, millions of flash drives are sold annually worldwide due to their popularity and usefulness for storing and transporting data.

How many eggs can a kiwi bird have?

Once a year, a kiwi lays one large egg that makes up about 15-20% of its body weight, then, 24 days later, lays another egg. The second egg is beginning to develop as soon as the first is laid. On rare occasions, a kiwi may lay a third egg. The kiwi can lay only one egg at a time, as the egg is huge.

What year was the Penncraft model 1427 riding lawn mower sold?

I have a 1427 Penncraft, the manufacturers tag under the seat has the model number along with a second number, 1959, this may very well be the year this model was sold by JC Penney

How many drum kits are sold each year?

According to Statista, about 2.5 million drum kits were sold worldwide in 2020. However, sales figures may vary each year due to factors such as market trends, demand, and economic conditions.

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It's difficult to provide an exact number as sales data may vary widely. However, millions of blenders are sold each year globally, with popular brands and models contributing to a significant portion of these sales.