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about 2500 pounds.

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Q: How much does a cubic yard of river rock weigh?
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How much does river rock weigh?

The weight of the river rock depends with the size and the type of rock in question. There are some yard river rocks that weigh up to 2700 pounds.

How much does one cubic yard of rock weigh?

Natural rock for landscaping weighs between 1.4 and 1.7 tons

How much dose 2144 cubic yards of fractured rock weigh?

For the calculus you need the density of this rock: M = V x d.

How much does 0.71 cubic yards of river rock cost?

I have a big pile of river rocks and I would like to sell them but I do not know how much they cost. Please, help.

How much does a big rock weigh?

the density of most rock is between 2.2 and 3.8 so multiply the volume of your "big rock" in liters or cubic decimeters by a number between 2.2 and 3.8 to get the answer in kilograms.

How much does 1 cubic ft of aggregate weigh?

If you are going to buy river stone/pebles/rock from supplier they use the "formula" Cubic Yards x 1.25 = Weight in tons. They then sell it by the ton. (say $300 per ton) But this is an approximation. If it is one very big river rock it would be a good approximation, but even then it would depend upon the density of the rock eg granite would require a bigger constant (the 1.25) than a Sandstone boulder.

How much does one yard weigh?

It depends on what is being weighed. One cubic yard of cement weighs about 4,000 pounds. One cubic yard of asphalt weighs 2,700 pounds, and one cubic yard of basalt rock weighs about 4,887 pounds.

If a rock and a bucket of water weigh 5 lbs how much will the bucket of water weigh with the rock inside?

it is the same weigh.

How many tons of river rock is needed to fill fourteen cubic yards?

That depends on the exact size of the rocks, - however a good rule of thumb for river rock in general is about 1.4 -1.6 tons per cubic yard. -So 14 cubic yards would be approximately 20 tons.

How many tons does a ton of Colorado river rock weigh?

Is this a trick question? A ton of anything should weigh a ton.

How much of an area will one cubic yard of rock cover at a depth of 6 inches?

1 cubic yard of rock = 27 cubic feet of rock. 27 cubic feet of rock @ 6" (1/2 of foot) = 27/(1/2) = 54 sf

How much does 1 cubic foot of rock weigh?

The answer depends on the density of the rock. A cubic foot of pumice, for example, can have a mass of around 15.6 pounds whereas minerals rich in metals such as iridium will have mass exceeding 1200 pounds.