none they rock suck it lords in the middle ages
There's so much pollution in the air now that if it weren't for our lungs there'd be no place to put it all.Robert Orben, 03/14/1927 -
While being on the mountains there are tons of ways to have fun. Well the activities you could do while being there is simple: you could go river rafting, hiking, fishing, swimming, Ski doing ( when there's snow ), rock climbing, horse back riding, ski diving, and many more! =^.^=
It really depends on what is in the land and where it is an empty acre maximum would probably be about 50k in a prestigious area but in a less prestigous are usually it would beabout 10k the rock bottom would probably be about 500 pounds
Inflation effect on McDonalds revenues is smaller (as one currency goes up, other goes down and McD's level of revenue doesn't rock that much).
The weight of the river rock depends with the size and the type of rock in question. There are some yard river rocks that weigh up to 2700 pounds.
A cubic yard of crushed lava rock typically weighs around 2,750 pounds (1.375 tons).
Natural rock for landscaping weighs between 1.4 and 1.7 tons
The cost of river rock can vary depending on location, quality, and supplier. You would need to check with a local supplier for the current price of river rock per cubic yard to calculate the cost for 0.71 cubic yards.
For the calculus you need the density of this rock: M = V x d.
The lightest rock on Earth is pumice, which typically has a weight of around 0.25 to 0.6 grams per cubic centimeter.
The weight of a yard of red rock can vary depending on the specific type of rock. On average, 1 cubic yard of red rock can weigh between 2,000 to 3,000 pounds or roughly 1 to 1.5 tons.
The weight of a cubic meter of peridotite can vary depending on the specific composition of the rock. On average, peridotite has a density of about 3.2 - 3.4 grams per cubic centimeter, so a cubic meter would weigh around 3200 - 3400 kilograms.
If you are going to buy river stone/pebles/rock from supplier they use the "formula" Cubic Yards x 1.25 = Weight in tons. They then sell it by the ton. (say $300 per ton) But this is an approximation. If it is one very big river rock it would be a good approximation, but even then it would depend upon the density of the rock eg granite would require a bigger constant (the 1.25) than a Sandstone boulder.
It depends on what is being weighed. One cubic yard of cement weighs about 4,000 pounds. One cubic yard of asphalt weighs 2,700 pounds, and one cubic yard of basalt rock weighs about 4,887 pounds.
it is the same weigh.
That depends on the exact size of the rocks, - however a good rule of thumb for river rock in general is about 1.4 -1.6 tons per cubic yard. -So 14 cubic yards would be approximately 20 tons.