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Weight is related to an objects mass and acceleration due to gravity not its volume.

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Q: How much does an object weigh if its volume is 40 cubed cm?
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What is volume weight and density?

volume is how much space is in an object (an object with more volume would be bigger) weight is how heavy an object feels due to gravity (an object with more weight would be harder to lift) density is how much matter is in an amount of space (an object with more density would weigh as much as an object with less density but in a smaller space/volume)

How much does 1ft cubed weigh in pounds?

1ft3 of what?

How much does 1 meter cubed of hardcore weigh?


How much would someone weigh under water?

It depends on the density of the object that weighs one pound, and how much of it is under water. The object will weight 1lb - water density * object volume under water; If the object is on average is less dense the water (i.e. is buoyant), and is allowed to swim, its weight will be 0 because proportion of its volume under water will compensate gravity exactly.

Does volume affect an objects weight?

no, volume is how much of space the object occupies, while wight is how much it is drawn downwards due to gravity for example a balloon has a big volume but little weight while a marble has little volume and big weight

How much does a cube weigh if it's volume is 27 cubed cm?

It depends upon rhw density of the cube. The cube's mass (weight?) is related to its volume by the relation: mass= volume X density Equal sized cubes of feathers and gold have quite different masses.

How do you figure out density of an irregular shaped object such as a key?

density is mass per volume. First weigh (mass) the key, then to find it's volume, place it into a container with liquid and measure how much volume is displaced.

Does volume tell us how much matter weighs?

Volume "tells" us how much an object can be filled with or how much an object can hold.

How much does 1 cup of cubed bread weigh?

1 3/4 ounces

How much does the volume of the substance weigh?

Volume does not weigh. The two are different characteristics of objects and there is no relationship between them.

How do you work out the density of a solid object?

Firstly weigh it. Then dunk it in water to see how much water is displaced. This gives you the volume. The density is then the mass / volume. Units are most often kg.m^-3

The amount of space an object occupies?

volumeVolume is the answer you seek.