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Q: How much energy will the same glass sample gain when it is heated from 41.0 Celsius to 71.0 Celsius?
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If a 4.0 g sample of glass was heated from 274 k to 314 and was foundd to absorb 32 j of energy as heat calculate the specific heat of this glass?

5120 j/g k is the specific heat capacity

Does glass looked different when heated opposed to glass not heated?

Yes, because if glass is heated it breaks, if glass is not heated it doesn't break.

In what ways can the properties of glass be changed?

It can be heated and change appearance, can be painted or stained, can be hardened.

What do thermometers actually detect about the moving particles that make up a sample of matter?

Thermometers detect the average kinetic energy of the particles in a sample of matter. As the temperature increases, the particles move faster and have higher kinetic energy. This increase in kinetic energy is then measured by the thermometer, allowing us to determine the temperature of the sample.

Is dirt in the making of glass?

no, sand is heated to make glass :) youtwat.^.^

Type of glass that would be less likely to crack when heated?

it is the tempered glass!

What is used to make glass?

sand is grinded and then heated and left to moult into glass

How is glass processed?

Glass is made by sand that is heated at extereme hot tempetures

How do you know when to bend the glass tube?

When the heated glass first begins to sag.

What will happen if a glass ball is heated?

it will shatter

Why can a glassblower bend and shape a piece of glass that has been heated?

When glass is heated to a certain point it becomes easy to shape. It can be bent and shaped into many ways.

Rubber and glass which become softer as they are heated are examples of?

Rubber and glass which become softer as they are heated are examples of crystalline solids