There are five faces on a square based pyramid.
a triangular prism, square based pyramid, rectangular prism and much more
Four faces four vertices
Five faces, in all.
the answer is that, if you look at the base and count the edges that's how much more faces there would be on the pyramid. Example, if i have a hexagonal - based pyramid, a hexagon has 6 sides so the faces in the middle of the solid are six also so a hexagonal-based pyramid will have 12 faces. :)
A triangular based pyramid has 4 faces, 6 edges and 4 vertices
Assuming that a squre parimid is your way of spelling square pyramid, the answer is 5.
A tetrahedron triangular based pyramid has 6 edges, 4 faces and 4 vertices
A tetrahedron triangular based pyramid has 6 edges, 4 faces and 4 vertices