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Q: How much grass seed is needed for 25 ft diamenter?
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How much does grass seed cost per pound?

The cost of grass seed can vary depending on the type and quality of the seed. On average, grass seed typically ranges from $2 to $10 per pound. Specialized variants or premium blends may be priced higher.

Where do you get grass seed from?

Grass seed is generally produced from the northwest. States such as Washington and Oregon produced much of the grass seed you may see or buy. Grass that shows desirable qualities is allowed to grow without being cut, this results in the grass producing seedheads that dry out and then become harvested.

Is grass came from seed?

Yes, grass comes from seed.

What grass seed grows weeds?

No grass seed grows weeds, grass grows grass. The weeds that are popping up have most likely been there in seed form before you broadcasted grass seed on your lawn.

How many bags grass seed is needed for 11.400 ft square yards?

One. If it is big enough.

How many grams are in a tablespoon of grass seed?

10.17 gram of grass seed has been present in a table spoon of grass seed.

How many pounds of grass seed are needed for 5840 square feet if 2 pounds of grass seed cover 365 square feet?

2 lb per 365 sq ft → 2 ÷ 365 lb/sq ft → for 5840 square feet the amount of grass seed needed is given by: 2 ÷ 365 lb/sq ft × 5840 sq ft = 32 lb