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Q: How much greater is the 5 in the thousands than the 5 in the tens place?
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How much greater is 5 in the tens thousands place than the 5 in the tens place?

1000 times greater. 50000/50 = 1000

Is hundred thousands greater than ten thousands?

Just like hundreds are greater than tens, hundreds of thousands is larger than tens of thousands.

How many times greater is 6 in the thousands place than 6 in the tens place?

6000 / 60 = 100 ■

How many times greater is the digit 6 in the hundred thousands place than the digit 6 in the tens place?

ten thousand times greater

Was is the thousands place and the tens place in 8130?

The thousands place is the first digit and the tens is the third (or last but one).

How do you write the digit in the thousands place and the digit in the tens place for the given place value for 9346?

9 is in the thousands place. 4 is in the tens place.

How many dogs have weights greater than 65 pounds but less than 75 pounds?

Probably tens of thousands.Probably tens of thousands.Probably tens of thousands.Probably tens of thousands.

Where is the thousands place in math?

the thousands place in math is1000^thousands place^ hundreds place^tens place^ ones place

What is the smallest 6 digit number in which the digit in the thousands place is twice the digit in the tens place?

102, 010 2 in the thousands place is twice 1 in the tens place,

Write the digit in the thousands place and the digit in the tens place for the given place value 9446?

The 9 is in the thousands place and the second 4 is in the tens place. The 6 is in the units place and the first 4 in the hundreds place.

What is the hundred thousands place?

hundred thousands,ten thousands,thousands,hundreds,tens,ones

Place Value for me?

Is ten times greater because one hop form the tens place to the hundreds place is 10