18 cubic feet = 112.1 Imperial gallons.
An imperial gallon has a volume of 4.54609 liters or approximately 277.42 cubic inches.
Approximately 0.134 cubic feet per gallon.
4010.7 cubic feet.
0.000561 (0.000561458333) per US gallon.
About 7.352 cubic feet.
A cubic gallon of water occupies one cubic foot of space, which is equivalent to about 7.48 gallons.
There are 7.48 gallons in 1 cubic foot. So, 100 cubic feet is equal to 748 gallons.
261,818.18 Gallons or 218,009.24 Gallons Imperial for all you metric folks.
1 gallon = 0.003785 cubic meters
It takes 1200 cubic feet of air or 8977 gallons of air to combust one gallon of gasoline.
1 cubic foot is 6.2 (6.22883) Imperial gallons.