

How much is 17 greater than 9?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: How much is 17 greater than 9?
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No, 9.6 which is 9 and 6/10 is greater than 9

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9/17 is two three-hundred and fifty-sevenths (2/357) greater than 11/21.

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42/9 is much greater. 42/9 is the same as 4 and 7/9 (since 9 goes into 42 4 times with 7 left over). Since 5/9 is less than 1, clearly 42/9 is much greater. 7/9 alone would still be greater than 5/9. But since it's not just 7/9, but 4 and 7/9, it is obviously greater than 5/9.

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8456 kiloliters is much greater than 9 liters. 8456 kl is equal to 8,456,000 liters

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If you change 2/9 and 1/17 to a common denominator of153 The 2/9=34/153 and the 1/17=9/153 34 is larger than 9 so 2/9 is bigger.

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You need to divide to compare: 9/17 = 0.529 11/21 = 0.524 as you can see, 9/17 is larger

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9 and 11.