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Q: How much time is 2 years and 9 months?
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6 years is time as 2 months?

6 years is much greater than 2 months. 6 years = 72 months.

How much is 2 and 1 fourth years?

2 Years and 3 Months Or 27 Months.

If a minor brakes into a car how much jail time would you get?

6 months- 2 years probation.

How much time is served on a two year prison sentence at eighty five percent in California state prison?

85 percent of a two and a half year prison sentence= 2 years & 1 1/2 months85% * 2 1/2 years= 85%/100% * 5/2 years= 425/200= 2 1/8 years= 2 years + (1/8 yr * 12 months/1 yr)= 2 years + 12/8 months= 2 years & 1 1/2 months

How much prison time will you get for felony PC 182?

6 months-2 years depending on how bad it is our you've done

How much time will you do if your minimum is 6 months and maximum is 3 years?

you would more than likely get between 6 months and 3 years . It Depends on how serious the charge. Most people get around 1 1/2 years

How much jail time for thief under 500?

How much remained of their probation sentence when they violated? If they were sentenced to 2 years probation and they VOP'd at 12 months, they could go to jail for the reamining 12 months.

How much months or years are in 80 days?

there are about 2 months and 18 or 19 days in 80 days

How much days are in 96 months?

96 months is 8 years. Including 2 leap years that gives a total of 2922 days.

How much is 2 years?

24 months, 104 weeks, or 730 days

How many months does 2 years equal to?

2 years=24 months

How many months are in 4 years and 2 months?

1 year = 12 months so 4 years and 2 months = 12*4 months 2 months = 48 months + 2 months = 50 months.