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The period of the pendulum is unchanged by the angle of swing.

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Q: How much time it take if the pendulum is relesed at angle 1.75 degrees instead of 3.5 degrees?
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Is there any limitation on semivertical angle in conical pendulum?

Yes, the semivertical angle in a conical pendulum is limited to a maximum of 90 degrees. If the angle exceeds 90 degrees, the motion of the pendulum would become unstable and may not follow the expected circular path.

When will the motion of simple pendulum be shm?

The motion of a simple pendulum will be simple harmonic when the angle of displacement from the vertical is small (less than 10 degrees) and the amplitude is also small.

What happen to the period and speed when thetha90 in conical pendulum?

When the angle is 90 degrees in a conical pendulum, the period becomes infinite and the speed approaches zero. This is because the vertical component of the tension in the string that provides the restoring force becomes zero at this angle, causing the motion to become unbounded.

List 3 things that you could changemanipulate about a pendulum?

Adjust the length of the pendulum: Changing the length will alter the period of the pendulum's swing. Adjust the mass of the pendulum bob: Adding or removing weight will affect the pendulum's period. Change the initial angle of release: The angle at which the pendulum is released will impact its amplitude and period.

What is a angle called that is over 190 degrees?

An obtuse angle. There cannot be an angle with more than 180 degrees so it starts to count backwards when it hits 180. So instead of having a 190 degree angle, you have a 170 degree angle.

Which factor affects the period of the pendulum?

The period of a pendulum is affected by the angle created by the swing of the pendulum, the length of the attachment to the mass, and the weight of the mass on the end of the pendulum.

Conclusion of simple pendulum experiment?

Only the length of the pendulum has an influence on the pendulum's speed, not the mass or angle of it. Although if the pendulum is red it may blow-up depending on its status.

What makes a pendulum swing?

A pendulum swings due to the force of gravity acting on it as it moves back and forth. When the pendulum is released from a raised position, gravity causes it to fall and start swinging. The length of the pendulum and the angle at which it is released also affect how it swings.

Why should a pendulum be swung less than ten degrees?

The time it takes for a pendulum to make one swing is almost exactly the same regardless if it swings thru any small angle. Once the angle starts getting large, like more then 10 deg, the difference in swing time becomes noticable. If you use a pendulum as a clock,so each second is one swing, then if you start the pendulum swinging at about 10 deg it will continue to be one second per swing even as it runs down to a smaller swing angle.

What increases the speed of a pendulum?

Increasing the length of the pendulum or increasing the angle from which it is released will increase the speed of a pendulum. Additionally, reducing air resistance can also lead to an increase in the speed of a pendulum.

What are the 4 variables in the standard pendulum system?

The four variables in a standard pendulum system are the length of the pendulum, the mass of the pendulum bob, the gravitational acceleration, and the angle at which the pendulum is released.

A Foucault pendulum appears to change its direction of swing due to the?

rotation of the Earth. The pendulum's motion is not actually changing direction; instead, it is the observer's reference frame that is rotating along with the Earth, creating the illusion of the pendulum's changing direction. This phenomenon demonstrates the Earth's rotation.