pat is 9 years old
Pat Kordyback is 25 years old.
pat Cleveland is 67 years old. Pat Cleveland was born in 1943.
Pat from the Stereos is 21 years old!!!! :)
There is not a listed old fashioned term for a pat of butter. It is often referred to as a butter pat.
Pat is 55 years old. Born March 17th, 1954.
Pat Spillane is 55 years old (birthdate: December 1, 1955).
Pat Schroeder is 76 years old (birthdate: July 30, 1940).
Pat Green is 45 years old (birthdate: April 5, 1972).
Pat Finn is 55 years old (birthdate: July 24, 1956).
Pat LaFontaine is 52 years old (birthdate: February 22, 1965).
Pat Kenny is 63 years old (birthdate: January 29, 1948).