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Q: How old was blaise pascal when he invented the pascal triangle?
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How old was Blaise Pascal when he invented the calculator?


How old was Blaise Pascal at death?

Blaise Pascal died on August 19, 1662 at the age of 39.

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When was the adding machine invented?

The adding machine was invented by a nineteen-year-old French boy named Blaise Pascal way back in the year 1642.

When was Blaise Pascal born?

In France - in the Auvergne region of France in 1623. He died in Paris in 1662.

How old was pascal when he made the pascal triangle?


How did pascal make pascal's triangle?

pascal drew a triangle, and then signed his name at the bottom of the page. He was 7 years old

Did Blaise Pascal Work with any other mathematicians?

By the time Blaise Pascal was about 16 years old he had been helping Pierre De Fermat on probability was two major projects. which was proved by google

How old was pascal when he died?

Blaise Pascal lived from 1623 to 1662. From that we know he was about 39 when he died. Don't know the months he was born and died, so that is our best guess.

How old was Jean-Claude Pascal at death?

Blaise Pascal died on August 19, 1662 at the age of 39.

In 1642 the first mechanical calculating machine was invented by?

The adding machine was invented by a nineteen-year-old French boy named Blaise Pascal way back in the year 1642. Called the pascaline, it was the first mechanical calculator that used gears. He invented it to help his father calculate taxes.A different machine was invented by William Seward Burroughs in 1885.