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Q: How the angle of projection affect the maximum height of an object?
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What would have the most potential energy?

Potential energy is the amount of energy stored in an object due to its height. This is maximum for an object which has maximum height and vice versa. So the most potential energy would be for object with greatest height.

What is a projection?

[object Object]

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Due to height and pressure

How does an object affect the height of the object?

Directly. The greater the potential fall, the greater the potential energy.

What is the meaning of the orthograpic drawing?

the importance of Orthographic drawing is a basic understanding of presentation drawing, wherin 3 main views of an object are presented in correct dimension of the height, width and depth.

Can you show me the difference between first and third angle projection?

In a first angle projection, the object stands in between the observer and the plane of projection. In a third angle project, the object and the plane of projection is interchanged.

What occurs only when air resistance does not affect the motion of a falling object?

The mass of an object will not affect the time it takes for it to reach the ground from a fixed height. Backspace

How does height affect the amount of potential energy of an object?

.potential energy equalls mgh, where m is mass of object, g is gravity, h is height of the object placed from the ground level. . When height increases potential energy also increases..

What map displays a flat representation of a round object?

a projection map

What is the difference between orthogonal and perspective projection?

perspective projection is defined by straight rays of projection drawn from object to the centre of projection and image is drawn where these rays untersect with the viewplane...while parallel projection is defined by parallel lines drawn from object in fixed direction towards the viewplane In perspective projection centre of projection is at finite distance from viewplane and in parallel projection centre of projection lies at infinite distance. respective projection form realistic picture of object but parallel projection do not form realistic view of object

What is a cyndrilical projection?

It is a circular object, such as a trash can.

How does air resistance affect fallig objects?

terminal velocity is the final maximum velocity of a falling object.