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Q: How the angle of projection affect the maximum height of an object?
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What would have the most potential energy?

Potential energy is the amount of energy stored in an object due to its height. This is maximum for an object which has maximum height and vice versa. So the most potential energy would be for object with greatest height.

How does the height from which an object was dropped affect its average velocity?

The height from which an object is dropped does not affect its average velocity. Average velocity depends on the overall displacement and time taken to achieve that displacement, regardless of the initial height of the object.

Does height affect acceleration?

No, height does not affect acceleration. Acceleration is determined by the forces acting on an object and its mass, not its height.

What is a projection?

[object Object]

What is the apex of an object?

The apex of an object refers to the highest or topmost point of that object. It is the peak or summit where the object reaches its maximum height or prominence.

What relationship exists between the initial velocity and the maximum height reached by an object thrown upward?

Ignoring air resistance, I get this formula:Maximum height of a vertically-launched object = 1.5 square of initial speed/GI could be wrong. In that case, the unused portion of my fee will be cheerfully refunded.

How does the height of the object or distance from the surface affect the impact crater?

Due to height and pressure

How does height affect acceleration?

Height does not directly affect acceleration. Acceleration is determined by the force applied to an object, its mass, and any friction or air resistance. However, height can influence potential energy, which can be converted into kinetic energy and affect the speed of an object as it moves downhill.

How does more pressure affect the height of an object?

Increasing pressure will compress the object, causing it to decrease in height. Conversely, decreasing pressure will allow the object to expand and increase in height. The relationship between pressure and height is influenced by factors such as the material and structure of the object.

How does an object affect the height of the object?

Directly. The greater the potential fall, the greater the potential energy.

What two factors affect potiental energy?

The two factors that affect potential energy are the mass of the object and its height above the ground. As an object's mass or height increases, its potential energy also increases.

What is the meaning of the orthograpic drawing?

the importance of Orthographic drawing is a basic understanding of presentation drawing, wherin 3 main views of an object are presented in correct dimension of the height, width and depth.