A rational number is one that is the ratio of two integers, like 3/4 or 355/113. An irrational number can't be expressed as the ratio of any two integers, and examples are the square root of 2, and pi.
Between any two rational numbers there is an irrational number, and between any two Irrational Numbers there is a rational number.
Find the arithmetic average of the two rational numbers. It will be a rational number and will be between the two numbers.
All integers are rational numbers.
Add them together and divide by 2 will give one of the rational numbers between two given rational numbers.
Add all the numbers and divide that by the number of numbers.
The answer will depend on whether you want percentage equivalents of rational numbers or one rational number as a percentage of another.
You may or may not be able to. The diameter of a circle with circumference 10 cm is 10/pi, a division problem. But there is no answer using rational numbers.
find the rational between1and3
Yes. Take the average of the two numbers. Since those two numbers are rational, their average will also be rational.
Add the two numbers and divide by two, or find the number which is halfway between the two numbers.
The arithmetic mean is used in fields like statistics and economics. The arithmetic mean is the average of a group of numbers. It can be used to find test averages for students and in sports to find player averages
how to get the arithmetic average on pascal