

Best Answer

They have to know basic division a before he/she can do the problem you ask about. They also need to know the how to multiply. You sit down with the child and write the problem out and demonstrate how to divide the problem. You do several and then write one and have the child do it with you sitting there providing help.

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Q: How will teach a child to divide 78215 by 3450 without a calculator?
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The AllLAw website has this kind of calculator. This calculator will approximate the cost of child support based on a number of factors, such as income, amout of children etc. The calculator is also available for other states than Arizona.

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The amount of child support that must be paid depends on the income of the parents and is not impacted by the child being in the custody of a grandparent. You can visit the related link for a calculator based on your particular details.The amount of child support that must be paid depends on the income of the parents and is not impacted by the child being in the custody of a grandparent. You can visit the related link for a calculator based on your particular details.The amount of child support that must be paid depends on the income of the parents and is not impacted by the child being in the custody of a grandparent. You can visit the related link for a calculator based on your particular details.The amount of child support that must be paid depends on the income of the parents and is not impacted by the child being in the custody of a grandparent. You can visit the related link for a calculator based on your particular details.

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There is a standard calculator for child support in South Carolina. You simply enter each party's monthly income and a few other figures and the program calculates it for you. There is a link to South Carolina Child Support Calculator at the link below.

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