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Q: How will you illustrate the concept of on the number line?
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What is a double number line?

A double number line is a standard concept in math and arithmetic. This concept is usually taught in algebra courses.

What is the number line area?

A number line is a one-dimensional concept and therefore has no area.

What are the question about line and staff concept in organization?

line and staff concept concept of line and staff organization

A popular modle used to illustrate the concept of opportunity cost is?

production possibility frontier

What illustrate the concept of equality of opportunity?

the concept of equal ooportunity is so that everyone can have an equal chance and can not be discriminated based or color, nationality, sex, etc.

A popular model used to illustrate the concept of opportunity cost is?

The Production Possibilities frontier/curve

How does the concept of shamanism illustrate the indigenous religious view of the relationship between the natural and supernatural?

it doesnt

How to illustrate the subset of the line?

A line segment would be a subset of a line. You wold draw two closed dots with a line joining them.

What are the factors that lead to the concept of electron spin?

the factors that leads to electron spin is the attratctive force between nucleus and electron. this can illustrate with the example sun and earth. this can be calculate by spin quantum number.

How would one illustrate geometrically 180 degrees?

A straight line

What are the undefined terms in geometry describe and illustrate?

line,points,and plane

Why do you use a line graph in business?

Line graphs illustrate time / value relationships well. Interpolation is reasonable.